About Us

Emerson Elementary School offers rigorous standards-based academic program as well as a unique and compelling learning environment. Emerson boasts high levels of academic performance in a multicultural setting.

  • The home of a community garden
  • State-level history and science champions
  • The Green Team environmental awareness program participates in gardening, recycling and composting activities.
  • Emerson is home to the East side

Essential Information

  • We are located across the street from Bordwell Park and half-way between UCR and downtown.
  • Emerson is considered to be a “mini-United Nations” school because of the rich diversity of cultures, languages and countries represented in our population. Our diversity makes us a wonderful school and environment.
  • We have recently completed construction of three new buildings which include 12 classrooms, a new library, a new bus entry and parking lot.

Outstanding Program

  • State History Day - For the past several years, at least one student from Emerson has advanced to the State History Day Competition.
  • Science Fair - Emerson students have earned numerous awards at the UCR/RUSD Science Fair as well as the regional Science Fair competitions. 
  • Reflections - Emerson students participate in the PTA Reflections competition and have recently earned regional awards.
  • Emerson uses a structured Physical Education program called Game Day to teach PE skills and provide rigorous physical activity.
Technology on campus
  • Emerson Elementary is  pleased to announce that as of the 2017-2018 school year, we are now a 1:1 Chromebook school. All of our students, from Kindergarten to 6th Grade, have their own device assigned to them for their use in class. This includes our 2 SDC classes.
  • Our SH-SDC classes have several iPads, to ensure our special needs kids have the same access and engagement to learning.
  • Our library has a computer lab with 18 computers for student use while they have library time, either to search for books in Destiny, or to take AR quizzes.
  • Each classroom has been fitted with a mounted Interactive Projector. These amazing devices combine an electronic whiteboard with a high definition projector. This allows our teachers to integrate online or digital resources with their lesson plans on a deeper level.
  • For 4th-6th grade students who are below grade level in reading, Emerson offers a specialized Read 180 class to help catch them up quickly. This includes a class set of iPods to help them with their reading comprehension, as well as their verbal reading skills.
  • Emerson participates in ST Math, Pearson SuccesNet, Accelerated Reader, and Power Learning.
 After Hour Programs
  • After school homework help, academic enrichment and recreation is available through two different options- the school's HEARTS program (951) 452-9562, and The City of Riverside's Stratton Community Center (951) 826-5355.
  • Emerson offers a unique Saturday School program which provides students the opportunity to make up absences. Our Saturday Enrichment is held throughout the school year. Please see our main page for upcoming dates.
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